• Educate,  Mastering the Walk

    Helping your Reactive Dog during Social Distancing

    This is the final part of a two-part miniseries on helping curb your dog’s reactivity to other dogs. What better time than now to help your dog through this? Social distancing gives us the perfect set up for our dogs. We are to stay at least 6′ away from each other, which means your dog will have the space they…

  • Educate,  Mastering the Walk

    Walking your Reactive Dog

    I hope you've been able to get out and enjoy some fresh air with your dog even during all this chaos. After encouraging everyone to walk their dogs, I also wanted to discuss something I know a lot of dogs face; reactivity.

  • Educate,  Mastering the Walk

    Leash Walking Skills

    During this downtime many of us have with our dogs I think it's more important than ever to be getting outside in the fresh air. Obviously, keep social distancing in mind, but don't forget to get up from the couch every once in a while.

  • Mastering the Walk

    Mastering the Walk- Day 6

    It’s the weekend and what better time to take your dog out and test their new skills! When we talk about working with your dog in their own environment and different environments, I love pet friendly stores. Stores like Home Depot and PetSmart are great places to work with your dog during inclement weather, or when you need more distractions…