• Educate

    You Can Train Your Dog in Less than 10 Minutes a Day

    YES, you really can train your dog in just 10 minutes a day! If you remember the 3 C’s: Clear, Consistent, and Committed. Two weeks ago I went live on Instagram for 5 days to show how practical this really is. I taught Rory the ‘place’ command during that time and inspired others to try the same. Let me explain…

  • Educate

    Revisiting Boredom Busters for your Dog during Quarantine

    Over the next few weeks I'm going to be working behind the scenes to bring you even more guided videos! In order to deliver the best videos I can, and work through quarantine as an introvert I'll be taking this time to revisit some of my previously most popular videos. Since many of you are still under stay at home…

  • Educate

    Teaching your Dog the ‘Wait’ Command

    Last week we discussed how to teach impulse control by learning the 'leave it' command. This week I'm showing you how to teach your dog the 'wait' command. This behavior is useful in so many different scenarios and easy to teach with consistency and patience. Check Freddy out in action in the video linked on the blog!

  • Educate

    Teaching your Dog Impulse Control- ‘Leave It’

    Recently I asked my followers on Instagram what types of behaviors they need help on. This latest post comes from our whippet friend Winston. His mom would like to see his impulse control, well, under control! Check out the blog post and video for a detailed explanation of what this looks like!

  • Educate,  Mastering the Walk

    Helping your Reactive Dog during Social Distancing

    This is the final part of a two-part miniseries on helping curb your dog’s reactivity to other dogs. What better time than now to help your dog through this? Social distancing gives us the perfect set up for our dogs. We are to stay at least 6′ away from each other, which means your dog will have the space they…