Educate,  Mastering the Walk

Leash Walking Skills

During this down time many of us have with our dogs I think it’s more important than ever to be getting outside in the fresh air. Obviously, keep social distancing in mind, but don’t forget to get up from the couch every once in a while. While we all know our dogs are absolutely loving this new work from home and Netflix marathon culture, they also would love to be getting outside more.

Which brings me to something I often see people struggling with; proper leash walking skills. So often dogs are dragging their owners down the street, or from bush to bush. Worse yet they are often reactive to other dogs. Many of these unwanted behaviors can be curbed by establishing better leash manners.

That’s why I put together this video of Rooster and I discussing the tactics I use to improve Rooster’s leash skills. Of our three dogs, Rooster gets the most excited and therefore ‘naughty’ when we go on walks. Even at 15 pounds it is annoying for him to constantly be pulling on the leash. Since I almost always take all three dogs for walks, it can be hard to give him the attention and focus he really needs. With just a little more intentionality and focus I know he can be much more pleasant to walk.

This week, join me in being intentional with your dog. Take 10 minutes out of every day to work on that one thing that’s been holding you back. If you start running into road blocks, reach out to me! I’d love to help or create another video geared towards your exact needs.

Stay well!