Chronicles of Fostering,  Dog Body Language,  Educate

Decoding Dog Body Language: Part III

For the final episode of this series on Decoding Dog Body Language we are going to see the new Bubbles. If you missed last week’s blog post you can find that here.

While the first play interaction with Rufus was one of a lot of caution, her next time around was much more energetic. The interesting thing is, we also see a very different side of Rufus! Again, we see how influential dogs body language can be. This is why socialization as puppies is so important. Before dogs have a chance to learn or develop bad habits it’s important they spend time with balanced dogs. Balanced dogs will show them how to behave appropriately. By the time a dog is Bubbles size it knows how to be respectful of other dogs.

While Rufus was much more gentle in the first video with Bubbles, in this one he matches her level of energy and intensity. It’s important to note that at no point does he overcorrect Bubbles. He actually gives her the opportunity several times to ‘chill out’ and it’s not until she tries to display dominance (through humping) that he really addresses her ‘harshly.’

Supervision is crucial during these interactions. Because I know Rufus so well I know that he will never inflict harm or take things too far. However, especially in the beginning, I have to be mindful of learning how Bubbles reacts. This video alone shows that with the right corrective energy, Bubbles becomes submissive and respectful. At no point does she try to escalate into a fight. I’ll be watching her through similar interactions with other dogs as well. A variety of dogs and energies is crucial for Bubbles to continue developing her social skills, as well as us understanding her better.

This is the last blog post and video on this topic, for now. Check back next week when I introduce you to our newest pack member who has a much different energy than Bubbles!