Mastering the Walk

Mastering the Walk- Day 6

It’s the weekend and what better time to take your dog out and test their new skills! When we talk about working with your dog in their own environment and different environments, I love pet friendly stores. Stores like Home Depot and PetSmart are great places to work with your dog during inclement weather, or when you need more distractions to up the challenge. That being said, please be sure your dog is people and dog friendly if you take them into these environments. We want everyone to enjoy the privilege that these stores offer and it’s important we are setting the standard and not jeopardizing this privilege.

Now that we’re approaching winter in some states, and when it’s blazing hot in Arizona, using pet friendly stores to continue walking and engaging your dog is a great alternative to being outside. The key is to build on your expectations for your dog and make them work while they’re out and about.

When I take Rooster to Home Depot, Tyler does the shopping and I focus solely on Rooster. Every aisle we go down I ask him to sit and look at me as people pass. As we walk through aisles I ask for him to watch me and stay in a loose leash walk. Then I’ll practice down and down stays, as well as his recall on a 6 foot leash. Every time we get home after these adventures, he is wiped out. All of the new smells and sights in addition to working his brain is like a walk on steroids for him. And a tired dog, is a good dog.

So have some fun this weekend, challenge yourself and your dog by finding a place in public to take him. Start with a quieter store that may not have as many dogs and figure out what behaviors you should work on more when at home. Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge and I’ve got a special guest blog post for all my busy people!

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