
You Can Train Your Dog in Less than 10 Minutes a Day

YES, you really can train your dog in just 10 minutes a day! If you remember the 3 C’s: Clear, Consistent, and Committed. Two weeks ago I went live on Instagram for 5 days to show how practical this really is. I taught Rory the ‘place’ command during that time and inspired others to try the same. Let me explain more.

Dogs are like children, they don’t want to sit and be drilled for hours on end and even need recess in the same way. That’s why you are much more effective by working for short durations over an extended period of time (think a week). Rather than thinking you need to commit to several hours a day, you can rest assured knowing that if you can set aside just 10 minutes a day I guarantee you will see a difference.

Now, for the 3 C’s. This is true for anything you are teaching your dog. Whether it is a trick or an entire behavior, the same rules apply.

  • Clear:
    • Make sure your dog understands what you are asking. One word commands are best, but dogs do understand phrases. As long as you are saying the exact same thing, every time, your dog is smart and will understand what you are asking! For example, Rooster knows his ‘place’ command by saying ‘on your bed’, or ‘on your rug’. For some dogs this may be too much conversation and too exciting. If you’re finding your dog gets too distracted, use the one word command.
    • If the behavior you are teaching involves multiple steps (place contains, sit, down and stay in the beginning) be clear about what you are asking. Physically take your dog to their bed after saying ‘place!’ and then asking for the sit and the down- every time! In the beginning you’ll have to repeat these steps every single time until they can piece the puzzle together. All the more reason being clear is so important.
  • Consistent:
    • You need to ask your dog the same thing every time and follow through with it. If you want them to stay out of the kitchen while you are cooking, expect them to stay out of the kitchen every single time, in the beginning especially. As they understand the behavior more you can work on inviting them into spaces occasionally and still expect them to stay out 99% of the time.
    • Another example is waiting at doors. Make sure you are telling them to wait every time you let them outside. Dogs are simple, but intelligent animals. It takes energy in the form of brain power for them to wait. If given the chance they will choose to run out the door every time because it’s simply less work for them.
  • Committed:
    • Before you even begin, know that you will need to stay committed for those 5 days, or at least those 10 minutes. Even when you get frustrated, or it seems like your dog isn’t listening, know that they are thinking and they are trying to figure out what it is you are asking of them. Just stick with it and watch the transformation happen!
    • Ask yourself, are you willing to put in the work to really change your relationship with your dog? Are you willing to ask them for the same thing, over and over for a week straight in order to make a lifetime impact? If not, that’s totally okay! I’m not here to judge you. I will tell you though, if you aren’t willing to commit you need to be okay with their current behavior. Without your commitment, things will never improve for you or your dog. I can guarantee creating boundaries and expectations for your dog will lead to the life you always dreamed of having with {wo}man’s best friend.