Chronicles of Fostering,  Dog Body Language,  Educate

Decoding Dog Body Language: Bonus Video!

Bubbles has been adopted since this series- yay! But before she left, I was able to catch this quick interaction of her and Rory.

Bubbles was with us for about four weeks and it’s crazy to think of the progress she made during that time. Not only did her confidence in her surroundings grow, but she also learned how to socialize with other dogs more appropriately.

When we look at the first video of her with Rooster, and the two videos with her and Rufus and then look at this video we can see the progression happen before our eyes.

This is why it is so, so important to give your dog time to acclimate in their new environment. Did you know it takes dogs roughly 30 days to fully decompress? Some take less time, others take longer. It is said that it takes them about 3 days to show you who they are, 3 weeks to learn their new routine and 3 months to feel at home.

Setting rules and boundaries from the beginning will help your dog understand, long term, what is expected of them. It will also greatly reduce behavioral issues down the road as your dog gets more comfortable. This happens by laying a good foundation right away.

Should you ever have any questions or concerns about your new or existing dog’s behavior, please reach out. It’s so important to address any issues right away so they do not develop into worse habits. Remember, loving your dog isn’t just treats and affection. It’s giving them exercise and boundaries in order to be the best version of themselves!